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Seasonal Japanese Tea Pairings: Our Recommended Combinations

Seasonal Japanese Tea Pairings: Our Recommended Combinations

Japanese tea is more than just a beverage; it's a cultural experience that can evolve with the seasons. Each type of tea offers unique flavors and characteristics that pair wonderfully with different times of the year. By aligning your tea choice with the season, you can enhance the sensory experience and fully appreciate the subtle nuances of each brew. In this article, we will explore the best Japanese teas for each season and suggest complementary foods to enjoy with them.

Spring: Celebrating New Beginnings with Sencha and Shincha

Spring in Japan is a time of renewal and celebration, marked by the blooming of cherry blossoms (sakura). It’s the perfect season to enjoy sencha, a refreshing and vibrant green tea that mirrors the freshness of spring, along with shincha, the first harvest of the year.


Sencha Tea

Flavor Profile: Sencha has a bright, grassy flavor with a slight sweetness and a hint of astringency. It is the most popular tea in Japan and is enjoyed daily by many.

Health Benefits: High in antioxidants, particularly catechins, sencha supports immune function and helps protect against disease. It also contains vitamin C, which is abundant in spring produce.

Pairings: Sencha pairs well with light, fresh foods that complement its clean flavor. Consider serving it with:

  • Seasonal Fruits: Strawberries and cherries highlight the tea’s natural sweetness.
  • Light Salads: Spring greens with a simple vinaigrette bring out the tea’s grassy notes.
  • Sakura Mochi: A traditional Japanese sweet made with rice and cherry blossom leaves, perfectly matching the season’s theme.


Shincha leaves

Flavor Profile: Shincha, directly translated to "new tea," is made from the first harvest of tea leaves in the spring. It has a particularly fresh, lively flavor with a pronounced sweetness and a vegetal aroma.

Health Benefits: Shincha is rich in vitamins and amino acids, offering a boost of energy and promoting overall well-being.

Pairings: Shincha’s fresh taste pairs well with:

  • Spring Vegetables: Young bamboo shoots and asparagus.
  • Seafood: Lightly grilled fish or sashimi.
  • Rice Dishes: Simple rice dishes that let the tea's flavor shine.

Summer: Cooling Down with Cold-Brewed Hojicha and Mugicha

The hot and humid Japanese summer calls for refreshing and cooling beverages. Cold-brewed hojicha, with its roasted, toasty flavor and low caffeine content, is an ideal choice for quenching your thirst. Mugicha, a roasted barley tea, is also a popular summer drink.


Hojicha Drink

Flavor Profile: Hojicha has a warm, nutty flavor with caramel undertones and a smooth finish. It is unique among green teas due to its roasting process, which also lowers its caffeine content.

Health Benefits: Hojicha is soothing and gentle on the stomach. It is rich in antioxidants and provides a calming effect, making it a perfect summer drink.

Pairings: The roasted flavors of hojicha pair well with foods that have a bit of heft but are still suitable for warm weather. Consider pairing it with:

  • Grilled Vegetables: The smokiness of grilled summer vegetables like eggplant and bell peppers complements the roasted notes of hojicha.
  • Cold Noodles: Chilled soba or somen noodles provide a refreshing and light meal that pairs well with cold-brewed hojicha.
  • Watermelon: The sweet juiciness of watermelon contrasts nicely with the toasty flavor of hojicha.


Mugicha on hot day

Flavor Profile: Mugicha is a roasted barley tea with a toasty, slightly nutty flavor and a hint of sweetness. It is naturally caffeine-free and traditionally served cold in the summer.

Health Benefits: Mugicha is hydrating and helps with digestion. It is also known to promote relaxation and improve circulation.

Pairings: Mugicha’s refreshing taste pairs well with:

  • Cold Tofu: Tofu topped with green onions and soy sauce.
  • Pickled Vegetables: Japanese pickles (tsukemono) offer a tangy contrast.
  • Summer Fruits: Light, juicy fruits like peaches and melons.

Autumn: Embracing Warmth with Genmaicha and Bancha

Autumn in Japan is a time of harvest and thanksgiving for some, celebrated with hearty meals and warm beverages. Genmaicha, a blend of green tea and roasted brown rice, offers a comforting and toasty flavor that is perfect for cooler weather. Bancha, a late-harvest tea, is also a suitable choice for autumn with its unique properties.


Genmaicha photo

Flavor Profile: Genmaicha has a nutty, toasty flavor with a subtle sweetness from the roasted rice. It is often referred to as “popcorn tea” due to the popped rice kernels.

Health Benefits: Genmaicha combines the benefits of green tea with the nutritional value of brown rice. It is rich in antioxidants and low in caffeine, making it a gentle yet nourishing choice.

Pairings: Genmaicha pairs well with rich, savory dishes that highlight the flavors of autumn. Consider pairing it with:

  • Roasted Squash: The sweetness of roasted squash complements the nutty flavor of genmaicha.
  • Mushroom Dishes: The umami richness of mushrooms enhances the tea’s roasted notes.
  • Chestnut Sweets: Traditional Japanese chestnut sweets, such as kuri manju, pair beautifully with the toasty flavor of genmaicha.



Flavor Profile: Bancha has a mild, earthy flavor with a slightly woody taste. It is made from mature leaves harvested later in the season.

Health Benefits: Bancha is low in caffeine and high in minerals, making it a good choice for evening consumption and overall health maintenance.

Pairings: Bancha’s subtle flavor pairs well with:

  • Hearty Stews: Autumn stews with root vegetables and meats.
  • Rice Dishes: Traditional Japanese rice dishes like takikomi gohan.
  • Baked Goods: Simple, lightly sweetened baked goods.

Winter: Warming Up with Matcha and Kukicha

Winter in Japan is a time for cozying up and enjoying the warmth of home. Matcha, with its rich, creamy flavor and vibrant green color, is the perfect tea to enjoy during the colder months. Kukicha, also known as twig tea, is another great choice for winter.


Matcha Powder and Drink

Flavor Profile: Matcha has a rich, umami flavor with a slight sweetness and a creamy texture. It is made from finely ground green tea leaves and is traditionally whisked with hot water.

Health Benefits: Matcha is a powerhouse of antioxidants, particularly EGCG, which supports metabolism and overall health. It also contains L-theanine, which promotes relaxation and mental clarity.

Pairings: Matcha pairs well with rich, indulgent foods that provide warmth and comfort. Consider pairing it with:

  • Sweet Potatoes: The natural sweetness of roasted sweet potatoes pairs beautifully with the umami richness of matcha.
  • Matcha Desserts: Indulge in matcha-flavored sweets like matcha cookies, cakes, or mochi for a double dose of green tea goodness.
  • Hot Chocolate: Matcha hot chocolate is a delightful fusion of creamy, rich flavors that warm you up from the inside out.


Kukicha with Tea

Flavor Profile: Kukicha, made from the stems and twigs of the tea plant, has a unique, mildly sweet, and creamy flavor with a hint of nuttiness.

Health Benefits: Kukicha is low in caffeine and high in calcium and vitamins, making it a healthy choice for winter.

Pairings: Kukicha’s comforting flavor pairs well with:

  • Winter Stews: Hearty stews with root vegetables and legumes.
  • Nutty Breads: Breads with nuts or seeds that complement the tea’s nutty notes.
  • Ginger Cookies: The spiciness of ginger pairs well with kukicha’s subtle sweetness.


Seasonal tea pairings not only enhance the flavor and enjoyment of your tea but also connect you to the natural rhythms and traditions of Japan. By choosing the right tea for each season and pairing it with complementary foods, you can fully appreciate the unique qualities of each one throughout the year.

YEDOENSIS offers our own Premium Matcha, Hojicha, and Genmaicha that are great for all the aforementioned times! While these teas certainly can be enjoyed year-round, we recommend these seasonal pairings for the most authentic experience. For more details, please visit our shop and follow @YEDOENSIS_Official on all social media platforms for regular Japanese content.

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